8 Coaching Skills Every Leader Should Master

As they say, a leader, in order to be successful, needs to lead from the front. They shouldn’t only be best at their work but must have the ability to promote others to improve their skills as well. Every leader must have certain coaching skills that will help them to be a great leader. In… Read More »

Tips on Running a Healthy Household

When it comes to our health, we all turn to nutrition, exercise, and medication to take care of it, forgetting that our surrounding environment also can affect it. We can start doing some changes in our daily life to make it healthier for us and our family members.

5 all-natural ways to prevent a migraine

Migraines are a common cause for emergency room visits amongst women aged between 18 and 45 years. Migraines account for lots of lost work hours and time we could better spend with our loved ones. Supposing anyone suffers two or more migraines monthly, they’re labeled as to having chronic migraine disorder. For such cases, we… Read More »

Common Misconceptions About Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing

Science allows us to understand more and more about pregnancy, prenatal care, and the developing fetus as time goes on. One commonly misunderstood development in prenatal care is a procedure called non-invasive prenatal genetic testing (NIPT). While this technique has become quite common in recent years, many expectant mothers often have questions before deciding to… Read More »

Opening a Marijuana Dispensary in Florida

Nearly two years after Florida voted to legalize medical use of marijuana, the latest update from the Office of Medical Marijuana Use reports 144,557 patients. Of this number, 109,749 qualified patients have been granted Active ID Card as of August 2018. According to the bi-weekly update, there are 1,596 qualified ordering physicians and 46 accredited… Read More »