Technical Debt- Its Causes and Solution

Let’s just assume that you have two ways one is a quickie and another is messy and you are sure things will change in future. The other one results in a tidier design but can take longer to be operational. Technical debt is a metaphor given by Ward Cunningham. It describes as doing the work… Read More »

Why Should You Care About Technical Debt?

Tech debt can be called as elephant in the apartment which the dev team chooses to ignore, they do so at their own risk. Tech debt is basically responsible for a number of issues the team does in creating top quality software quickly, especially when the companies think of more agile approaches. Do you face… Read More »

Various Tricks To Avoid Facing Technical Debt

Technical debt refers to a situation when due to some or other reason when extra development work is required in execution of code. This mainly takes place due to execution of code that that was used for short run but not for overall solution. Tech debt is mainly associated with hardcore programming where refactoring plays… Read More »

Non-destructive testing – how does it work?

We tend to take the appliances and devices we use for granted. People expect to be able to turn on the TV, or use a laptop, without getting an electric shock, or having the lid snap shut on their fingers. The fact is that all of these things that we use every day have to… Read More »

A guide to monitoring working hours and snapchat usage

If you’re not sure if your employees are engaged in their work during working hours and not searching the solution for personal problems, you’re at the right place. In this article, we’ll tell you how to detect what your workers are doing during working hours. For example, in May of this year, one company conducted… Read More »