Author Archives: amit

About amit

Hi, I am online marketing consultant and Blogger. Here I will provide information about WordPress Premium themes, plugins and useful php script.

Materials for Learning Java

It’s no secret that Java is one of the most popular programming languages today. Apart from its flexibility, Java allows one to cope with tasks of any complexity and develop any feature. If you want to become a Java developer, we have prepared a selection of materials for you to easily learn this programming language.

1. Oracle Java Docs

Except for official documentation from Oracle is one of the best sources of instructional information about Java. Although it is written in a technical way and designed for those who already know how to code, Oracle documentation can still be useful for beginners as well. It is a complete reference to Java, so if you need to know something, be sure you will find it there.

2. LearnJava Reddit

Reddit is a great platform intended for those who want to improve their knowledge, or start learning programming. There is a separate section on the website devoted to the theme of studying Java. There you can ask questions and receive answers from experienced developers. So if you are coping with a challenging task, or do not know how to approach a problem, address the professional programmers on Reddit.


Use the platform to learn everything about Java performance issues, technical limitations, and difficulties. Here, beginners will be able to read about many of the pitfalls of the language and write a quality code.


The educative streaming service offers you unique tutorials for learning Java programming. What’s so special about this service? Online trainings are interactive, with you seeing project writing in real time and being able to communicate with the teacher in live chat. If necessary, you can always find stream records on the platform. has a big library of recorded broadcasts for different types of programming tasks ​​and frameworks. Most of them are available for free; all you need to do is to register. However, there are also paid projects, which are more structured and training-oriented.

5. PluralSight

Pluralsight is one of the best platforms providing interactive training courses for professional programmers. The website offers subscriptions at a price of approximately $30 per month. The categories of materials available on the website cover IT Ops, Software Development, Data Architecture, Information and Cyber ​​Security.

6. Udemy

Udemy is a professional educational platform both for beginners and programming gurus. There you can be both a tutor and a student. The website offers you a lot of courses in many areas, such as Design, Programming, Web Development, etc. Among the teachers, you can meet many famous people of the IT industry, such as Mark Zuckerberg.

7. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp is a service for learning full-stack Java programming. You can use all the materials on the platform for self-education and start working on simple tasks moving forward to complex ones. The studying process begins with learning HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap basics. Afterwards, you are to cope with the tasks on basic Java functions, algorithms, and front-end projects.

8. BitDegree

BitDegree is the world’s first blockchain-based online education platform with token scholarships, that is focused on helping users to achieve digital skills and knowledge necessary to get a job or start creating something themselves. There are many courses and tutorials dedicated to various coding languages: python, java, html, CSS, etc. Moreover, there’s a programming knowledge database, code editor and even java interview questions with answers

Setting Up A Medspa With The Right Equipment For Less

In today’s modern world and even in the past centuries, the pursuit of looking much younger has always been much sought after. With the number of treatment options to choose from today, comes the high demand for businesses to step up their game. Opening a medical spa has become a big demand, and with careful planning and enough research, one can open and set up a medical spa for less. When it comes to setting up a medical spa, determining the budget is important and should be taken into consideration. After all, this will involve purchasing equipment that is highly useful for the business. This equipment includes IPL machines and hair removal laser equipment, to name a few.

This equipment can be expensive depending on the brand or manufacturer you are getting it from. If you are on the lookout for a more cost-effective option, purchasing used or refurbished equipment as to buying directly from the manufacturer is the way to go. Since cosmetic lasers and other professional medical lasers are depreciable assets, it is important to be vigilant when choosing this direction. The ability to provide the best and effective treatment is important to the overall success of a medical spa business.

The good news is that there are a lot of used aesthetic lasers that were previously used by high-end spa centers that can definitely meet one’s business needs. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily have to sacrifice the quality and the life cycle of your aesthetic equipment if you don’t purchase a new one. It is important to understand that not all equipment is created equal and some of them can even last for a long time.

Choosing this direction will save you tons of money in starting your business. Purchasing your cosmetic lasers and IPL equipment from reliable wholesalers or retailers such as The Laser Warehouse will get you access to top brands and models of aesthetic equipment that has been repaired or refurbished. We all want to get the value of our money so choosing the best possible equipment at a much better price can deliver a good return on your capital.

Updated technology is also a critical factor when it comes to buying the right medical spa equipment. New technology is synonymous with more efficient and best performance thus, one may be wary in terms of buying used equipment. This is why you need to also check if the reseller offers excellent repair services. Reliable aesthetic equipment wholesalers can guarantee an in-house team of technicians and medical laser repair technologists to give you the latest technology for your business. Your equipment should meet top performance to be competitive in the market. This way, you get the most of the money you are investing in your equipment.

Setting up your own Medspa at a lower cost is definitely achievable. With the right equipment for less and enough careful planning, you will be able to deliver great services to eager customers without having to shell out that much.

5 Tips to caring for damaged hair

When hair undergoes damage, it needs extra care than usual so as to restore it back to normal. While it may seem hard to care for damaged hair, here are a few tips to help you take good care of your hair.

  1.    Go easy on your hair

When done wrong, simple tasks like braiding and shampooing can cause great havoc to your hair. Most people tend to think that thorough rubbing and every day washing is the right way to go with hair. Unluckily, this does more harm than good. Washing your hair every day dries it out and thorough rubbing while shampooing will damage the already weak strands of hair. Also, skip using heat tools as they are detrimental to the damaged hair but if you have to, limit their usage to once or twice a week. Instead of brushing your hair, use a wide-tooth comb to untangle wet hair.

  1.    Protect your hair from harmful weather

Weather is one of the major culprits for hair damage. Harsh weather conditions like hot temperatures, dry air, and brisk winds as well as water e.g. beach or pool water can be harmful to hair. Since your hair is already damaged, exposing it to such conditions may worsen it and may prevent it from growing back healthily. Fortunately, there is a wide array of products that work to prevent hair damage from these harsh environmental conditions and more. For instance, offers some of these excellent hair treatment products.

  1.    Trim your ends

Damaged hair means split ends and knots. Regular trimming is highly recommended to get rid of the dead ends before the damage spreads to the rest of the strand. Your hair loses its healthy protein when the open cuticle ends splits the whole strand of hair. Trimming will prevent unnecessary frizz and even more hair breakage, and your hair will appear healthier and sharp even if it is damaged.

  1.    Be choosy with hair products

The type of hair product you apply to your hair will greatly determine its health. Most products contain harmful chemical substances and when used over a long time, they tend to build up in your hair, damaging it. That’s why you need to be careful with the kind of products you use on your hair. Settle for shampoos that aim to hydrate and moisturize. When conditioning also, use deep conditioners at least once every week in order to increase its moisture control. Also, opt for treatment-based products to aid healthy hair growth.

  1.    Eat healthily

What you eat also determines how your hair looks. If you don’t eat well-balanced meals then your hair may not be as healthy even when applying hair treatment products. Foods rich in folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, minerals and proteins prompt strong and healthy hair. Additionally, if your hair is falling off, taking multivitamin supplements helps to strengthen it.


Renewing your hair health is not an overnight job, it requires you to be patient. With the right kind of products and treatment, your hair will grow back health with time.

6 Technology Solutions To Improve Growing Businesses

Starting a business is tough. Helping it grow is even tougher. Trying to help it grow without using present-day technologies is impossible. The number of technology solutions for businesses is overwhelming.

How do you find the one to suit your case? How many of them are worth your while? Which ones to consider first? We talked to experts from Ottawa IT support company Firewall Technical to get a list of solutions you shouldn’t overlook.

1.    Cloud-Based Services

If you haven’t migrated to a cloud-based service yet, you are not allowing your business to grow. Using these services helps you to save money on IT specialists and infrastructure. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your data while getting the opportunity to work with it remotely.

Using cloud-based services improves the efficiency of your staff’s work since the information access is simplified. You can also choose different payment plans for using cloud-based services in order to save money.

2.    Convenient Video Conferencing

Even though today you can find many programs which allow video conferencing, Skype For Business is still the optimal solution to consider. The program is cost-efficient, reliable, and compatible with a variety of devices. The program is free for personal use. In order to enjoy the full specter of services, you need Office 365.

Convenient video conference is the key to excellent employee interactions and productive meetings.

3.    Artificial Intelligence

You can find artificial intelligence in many programs you are using for marketing and employee interactions. AI can help provide excellent customer support when built into websites and applications. Bots cut the expenses substantially and make customer experience smoother.

Another way AI can help improve your growing business is to automate some tasks you usually delegate to your staff. For example, bots can schedule meetings as well as collect and analyze information about employees and clients. Apps with AI can help manage large amounts of data and improve customer and staff experience.

4.    Personalized Software

If your company is growing, designing custom software can help save time and money while improving the output.

A handcrafted solution for your company may be costly but eventually it will show an impressive ROI. A huge advantage of using a custom software is its security. As opposed to the off-the-shelf solutions, custom programs are not prone to hacks.

The majority of large businesses end up creating custom software for their personal needs. If your business keeps growing, you may want to consider this investment.  

5.    Email Marketing

Even though social media marketing has become a top-notch solution, email marketing is still very important. Many different programs have been created to improve the businesses’ email marketing efforts.

You can take advantage of technologies which help find target audiences for your email list, design high-quality messages, and create personalized content.

6.    Security Software

No matter how small your business is, it is a target for a hack attack. Losing client data or exposing personal information to hackers can lead to irreversible reputation damage. Every company should invest in security software, which takes care of remote attacks.

You may want to consider hiring network security specialists or outsourcing this task to IT companies. In any case, investing in security is vital. You can also think about such security technologies as 360° cameras and live video streaming.

Hungry? Order Food and Pay via Amazon Pay and get 50% off

Amazon, one of the largest e-commerce sites in India is the one on which mostly people rely for a wide range of products from apparel, accessories, home décor to electronics and large appliances. Furthermore, the e-commerce platform provides its customers various hard to miss deals and discounts along with exciting Amazon offers on many products.Having an Amazon Pay account is an addition since one can avail additional discounts and cashback offers from Amazon. We just need the Amazon App in our mobile to manage our account. Amazon Pay is one of the most secure digital wallets that is available in the market.

There are plenty of benefits of having an Amazon Pay account. In addition to using it to make purchases on Amazon, we can use it with other merchants also. We can use it for ordering food online, making our bill payments, booking movie, travel tickets online.A lot of cashback, offers and discounts can be availed and these vary from merchant to merchant. The average cashback and discount offer ranges between 30% to 50%.

Nowadays, most of us prefer to order food online and get it delivered at our doorstep. Most of these food delivery apps offer free delivery and deliver our orders within an hour. We can choose our favourite food from the best restaurants and get it delivered right at our doorstep. Paying for these has also become hassle-free due to digital wallets. Amazon has partnered with a number of food delivery apps like Faasos, Swiggy, and Box8 etc. such that we can get instant cashback into our wallet while paying through Amazon Pay. These cashbacks range from 30% on Faasos and Swiggy to about 50% on Freshmenu, Tapzo, Box8, Behrouz etc. Some offers are valid on weekends while few are limited to a few orders. These discounts are renewed or changed periodically hence we will get cashbacks every time we order.

Let’s have a look at all the offers available by food merchants on Amazon

  • Faasos – We can get 30% off upto INR 75 when ordering food through Amazon Pay on Faasos. The offer is available till May 31 and can be done once per user. Additionally, prime members will get extra INR 50 cashback.
  • Behrouz – Behrouz is providing upto 50% off while ordering its Biryanis’ through Amazon Pay. The offer can be redeemed once per user and the maximum cashback is INR 100. It is also valid till May 31, 2018
  • Fresh Menu – Fresh Menu is offering a cashback up to 50%. Maximum cashback amount is INR 100. The last date to avail this offer is May 27, 2018
  • Box8 – Box8 is providing 50% off while ordering through Amazon pay. The maximum cashback is INR 100 and can be done once per user. It is valid till may end.
  • Mozo Pizza – Mozo Pizza is offering up to a maximum of 50% cashback while ordering pizzas during weekends. The maximum cashback amount that can be credited is INR 100.
  • McDonalds – McDonalds is offering cashback of INR 100 when using Amazon Pay to order in its stores. It is valid till May 31.
  • Oven story – Oven story is offering 50% cashback when ordering food using Amazon Pay. The maximum cashback is INR 100 and can be done once per user.

All these offers are available only during weekends. Swiggy and Tapzo have the following cashback offers on all days.

  • Swiggy – Swiggy is offering 30% cashback when paying through Amazon Pay wallet. The maximum cashback per user is INR 100 and it can be used between May 18 to May 31, 2018
  • Tapzo – Tapzo is offering 25% cashback when you pay using Amazon Pay. The maximum amount that is available as cashback is INR 100.

There is no code to be used for availing these cashback offers. You need to go to the merchant app, order your food and pay using your Amazon Pay wallet to get these offers.

Amazon is trying to rope in more customers and increase its base here. Hence, it is attempting to get more merchants and giving additional discounts to retain its customers. Hence, by using an Amazon pay account, we can get lots of discounts while ordering food online. We can also get cashbacks by suggesting Amazon Pay to our family and friends using our unique codes. It’s time to enjoy your weekends and order your favourite food using Amazon pay.

Golf Dress Code

For years, golf has been considered a sport limited only to the rich elites. Now that golf is becoming an activity enjoyed by people of all social and economic backgrounds, clubs are relaxing their rules when it comes to who’s welcome on the golf course. There is also an ongoing debate of dress code, as some consider these strict rules to be a thing of the past while more traditional golf enthusiasts insist on keeping it “the good, old way”.

If you’re considering taking up golf, rules on how to behave and what to wear at a golf club shouldn’t discourage you from having fun and enjoying everything golf has to offer. There are golf courses which actually don’t have any specific dress code. Generally, the more expensive the game, the more likely the golf club requires specific types of clothes. You can always contact the club owners for information on their dress code policy.

Follow these most common dress code rules in the world of golf and you won’t have anything to worry about at your first visit to any golf course:

Golf dress code for men:

Typically, male golfers are expected to wear golf slacks or shorts, a collared shirt and an optional sweater. Sleeveless shirts and T-shirts might not be acceptable. Beach shorts, tracksuit bottoms and hoodies may also be frowned upon. When it comes to footwear, you may be required to wear golf shoes with soft spikes or plastic (non-metal) golf cleats. You can visit online stores to see what is currently in offer for golf wear, including high quality golf shoes by TheGolfSociety.

Golf dress code for women:

Standard golf clothing for female golfers includes slacks, shorts, skirts or skorts. Their length must be below mid-thigh but above the knees. Ladies should also wear a collared shirt with an optional sweater. Golf shirts should be neatly tucked into the golf slacks or shorts. The footwear for women is the same as for men. Sandals are usually unacceptable.

Knowing these rules will get you into any golf club and will also make you look more chic and feel more comfortable on the course.