Author Archives: amit

About amit

Hi, I am online marketing consultant and Blogger. Here I will provide information about WordPress Premium themes, plugins and useful php script.

Tips on iPhone Photography at Night

Shooting in low light can be daunting even with a sophisticated iPhone camera. It requires a special skill-set to produce clear and attractive shots in the low light. This can be a real spoiler when you want to take a shot of the surroundings as you envision them. However, there are plenty examples of magical and unique shots which can be snapped at night. All you need is to know the tricks to use in order to snap amazing Instagram-worthy photos at night with your iPhone. So we look at some of the unique tips and tricks shared by an expert AramanYC hair photographer on how to shoot quality photos at night with an iPhone:

Use a tripod for steady shots

Steady shots are achieved when you hold your camera in place, without moving, long enough for the shutter to close. The shutter speed is controlled by the light entering it and if low it will take a longer time to close. As such, you may move your hand when taking your shot due to the low shutter speed. Using a tripod stand to hold your iPhone while you take your shot will help you achieve steady images.

Shoot when there is a little light

You can take pictures at dusk and dawn to produce clear and colorful images. It gives your shots a magical look, due to the sunset and sunrise. The street lights will also favor your shots when you angle-out on your subject, to help you be creative in night photography.

Set your exposure to brighten the scene

The exposure on your iPhone will help you to set the scene on which you are taking your shots. Since there is little light, you can slide the meter to brighten the scene before shooting. This will help your images to stand out even in the dark.

Avoid grainy shots

Grainy shots are due to the poor contrast and low light. Also, brightening the scene too much can increase the grainy condition in your shot. Adjust the exposure to darken the scene and get rid of the grainy shots for clear images.

Convert to black and white

The best way to get rid of the flaws in your photos is to convert them to black and white. You can do this on your iPhone with ease as it has that functionality. For example, if there are blurred lines or grainy effects on your photos, converting them to black and white will hide those flaws.

Use your camera flash conveniently

Although a camera flash can spoil the quality of your shot, you can use it creatively to gain leverage. To avoid direct light on your subject, hold a white or colored paper on the flash and then snap. This will produce colorful images without exposing them to too much light.

Shoot from the dark into the light and not vice versa

The light can be above or behind the subject or object. Make sure you are not within an area that is lit and the subject is in the dark to bring out the magic in your shot.

Movavi Photo Editor Review

As much as you may want to be able to edit your photos, you may be staying away from doing so due to how difficult it seems. The fact of the matter is that many photo editors are designed for professional photographers or designers, and tend to require a lot of experience or have a steep learning curve.

Movavi Photo Editor

Movavi Photo Editor

If that is what has been keeping you from editing your photos, you should definitely make it a point to try Movavi Photo Editor. All you need to do is download photo editor, install it, and spend a few minutes trying it out – and you’ll be able to see that it is very different from any other editor you may have tried in the past.

To put it simply, Movavi Photo Editor is designed to simplify photo editing and make it as intuitive as possible. It has a clean user interface that is easy to navigate due to how its features are organized into tabs.

Applying any of the features in Movavi Photo Editor won’t require you to have any technical expertise or photography skills. Instead each feature uses simple and basic actions, such as drawing a frame with your mouse cursor, resizing a window, dragging an element into place, or adjusting a slider.

It should be noted that although Movavi Photo Editor simplifies editing and leverages basic actions – its features are far from basic. In fact you’ll find that it has lots of fairly advanced capabilities and tools that will provide you with a ton of versatility when editing your photos.

Some of the ways that you could improve your photos using Movavi Photo Editor are by:

  • Enhancing the video quality by adjusting the color settings manually or automatically and fixing any issues that are present.
  • Transforming the frame and orientation by flipping, leveling, resizing, rotating or cropping it.
  • Removing elements from the composition while ensuring no traces or imperfections remain.
  • Deleting the background and replacing it with a new image or leaving it transparent.
  • Applying various types of unique creative filters to give your photos a distinct visual style.
  • Touching up portraits by applying digital makeup, whitening teeth, smoothening wrinkles, masking blemishes, altering eye color, and more.
  • Inserting and customizing text elements to create titles, captions, or watermarks.

Between all these features it is safe to say that you should have the tools you need to improve your photos in practically any way that you want. The best part is that all you really need to do is spend a few minutes experimenting with each of Movavi Photo Editor’s features and seeing how they work – and you should be able to start to apply them to your photos as soon as you do.

3 Ways to Pay for Your Next Semester

Getting ready for school? Then you’re probably wondering how you are going to pay for things such as tuition, room, and board. Let’s take a look at three methods to get the money you need to cover school costs. It’s not hard if you know where to look.

Method 1: Take Out a Loan

In the past, getting a student loan was a tedious process. You had to go from lender to lender and fill out a form at each office. Then you had to wait days or weeks for a reply, and rejection was very common. Furthermore, it was hard to compare lenders since the information was scattered.

Now, web based resources help you compare lenders all in one place. You can see what kind of rates they offer as well as the loan terms. There are actually several factors that can help you choose a lender, such as:

  • Maximum loan amount – The most you can borrow from that particular lender.
  • Minimum loan amount – The minimum you must borrow.
  • Rates – How much interest you pay on the loan.
  • Terms – How long you have to pay off the loan.
  • Eligibility – Determines who can apply for a loan.
  • Benefits and Features – Extra details, such as interest rate reduction for borrowers who use automated payments.

Method 2: Apply for a Grant

There are many organizations that offer grants to students that are connected to the organization in some way. This means they give you money to help finance your studies. Grants may have some conditions, but these agreements are not loans (you don’t have to pay them back).

For instance, some organizations will give grants to students from certain geographic areas. Others support students who study an industry related to the organization. Still others may support faith based studies or students that practice a particular religion.

The competition can be stiff to win these grants, but it’s definitely worth a try. The secret is to apply for as many grants as possible. If you get accepted by more than one, you’ll have more funds to pay for school costs.

Method 3: Get a Side Job

Part time jobs for college students have evolved far beyond cutting grass and babysitting. The Internet is a job marketplace that offers literally millions of possibilities. For example, you could get paid for managing someone’s Facebook page, or you might ghost write blog posts. There are also jobs available for online tutors and virtual assistants.

There are lots of opportunities out there. You can also consider joining a freelance marketplace where people are always looking for help.


There are several ways to pay for the costs of education. The resources outlined in this article are a great place to start.

How to Prepare for Retirement in 3 Simple Steps

There’s no doubt that the state pension fund in the UK has been stretched in recent times on the back of economic hardship and rising life expectancy. The latter point is particularly important, with one in six of us now likely to reach 100 and the majority of the population expected to spend a third of their lives in retirement.

This is why individuals must take responsibility for their own financial future, as they look to build private pension funds that can give them the retirement they want.

This is just one of the steps required to prepare for retirement and below we’ll offer a brief insight into how to ready yourself for life after work.

  1. Define your Retirement

This is perhaps the most important step, as it’s impossible to plan in detail for retirement if you do not know what this entails. Even on a fundamental level, making the transition from full-time work to retirement can be difficult, particularly if you have no idea about how you want to spend your time.

By defining your retirement, you can create a list of goals and objectives that you would like to realise. You can then determine how much money you’ll need to achieve these aims, helping you to prioritise your activities and create a viable spending plan.

This will help you to visualise a realistic retirement plan without necessarily compromising on your goals or how you spend your time.

  1. Take Stock of your Assets

We touched earlier on the importance of optimising your personal wealth and seeking out private pension plans that can fund your retirement.

It’s also imperative that you take stock of these assets prior to your retirement, however, while also creating a simple plan for managing and organising your wealth.

This is particularly challenging if you have a number of private or workplace pension schemes in your name as it can be difficult to track these and assess their value. For some people it may therefore make sense to consolidate your existing pension plans into a single account that you can access as and when required.

Firms such as Bestinvest can help you in this endeavour as they can transfer your funds into a single pension plan and cover some of the costs associated with this practice.

  1. Create a Retirement Budget

On a more practical side, you’ll also need to create a detailed retirement budget that will outline your pension income (state and private), your remaining debts and your potential spend.

This will include the expenses that you have already outlined as part of your goals, as you look to achieve your goals without spending outside of your means.

We’d recommend budgeting ahead of time where possible by utilising estimated figures before finalising more exact numbers as you track your finances during the first few months of your retirement.

This will help you to create a viable spending plan for your retirement, while also allowing you to schedule your activities to suit your budget.

How to Choose the Best Antivirus for Mac

Knowing full well that all Mac machines are just as vulnerable to viruses and malware, we’ll discuss in great detail the criteriathat Mac users need to look into before choosing an antivirus. If you follow our criteria sincerely, then you can be rest assured about getting the best possible antivirus software for your Mac system. Consequently, you won’t have to ever worry about your Mac machine getting infected by malicious viruses and malware.

An antivirus should providecomprehensive protection: Gone are the days when antivirus software was only supposed to protect your system against viruses and malware. Today it is expected to do much more than that, including providing firewall protection, automatically updating your software, include VPN protection, password protection and many other functions.

Besides, any good antivirus software offers not only the most thorough protection against advanced viruses like ransomware but all the possible cyber threats that may attack your Mac machine.

There is one popular antivirus software that not only offers all the above mentioned functions but offers many more functions to offer 100% protection to your Mac Book. This is Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac. For years Bitdefender has been singlehandedly protecting millions of Mac machines against malicious virus attacks and still continues to do so.

It has been equally generous in protecting iPhones and other apple devices with its Bitdefender Mobile Security for iOS solution.

Should not adversely impact performance of your Mac Machine: Most security products including anti-virus software are known for consuming high amount of computing resources and subsequently slowing down the computer. Hencea Mac user needs to fully ensure that an antivirus software that he/she is likely to buy does not consume unduly high amount of computing resources.

Besides, it is equally important to verify that the antivirus software has a small impact on the booting time as well as completes scanning task in the quickest possible time.

Must be extremely user-friendly: An antivirus software must be so user-friendly that even an amateur computer user should not face any problem in operating the software. Basically, an antivirus software should be easy to navigate, easy in allowing scan functions and also offer its user a complete control over all the important functions.

Always prefer paid version: It goes without saying that a paid version offers more features than free one does. Hence it is advisable for all the Mac users that they must preferably settle for paid version in order to receive comprehensive protection for their Mac machine. However, this does not mean that users must give complete miss to the free version. This is to say that if some users feel like going for trail version first, they should very well do that. Such a move will help in ascertaining whether the software is good enough to buy or not.

Ensure about after-sales Support: Before buying any antivirus software it is important to verify about the software company’s ability to offer quality and dedicated sales support to its customers. The need for professional after-sales supports becomes important in the wake of any unexpected problem that may crop up anytime. For instance, an antivirus software may not offer 100% protection despite quality assurances or you’re may face problems in renewing subscription for various reasons.

How to Choose the Best Courier

Most businesses must ship parcels as part of their daily activities – particularly with the rise of ecommerce and the increase in online shopping. This means that logistics and delivery should be a big concern, both in terms of cost and service.

To save time, many businesses form a relationship with one single courier and remain with them for many years. However, this does not always provide the best service, either for the business or its customers. As such, before shipping your next parcel, consider the following:

Customer Experience

It can be all too easy to ship a parcel and think of your work as done. However, for your customer, delivery is one of the most important parts of the process. The means that the service must be up to standard. Although a separate company, the level of service your customer receives on delivery will reflect on your business. As such, assessing professionality and customer service is essential.

Service Offerings

Not all couriers are the same. Some offer great value standard shipping services, while others are known for specialist or same-day delivery. Depending on what you need to ship, you may require the services and expertise of a different courier. This may include temperature-controlled shipments or delivery of important business documents.

Tracking Updates

Just like you, your customers are busy people. This means they do not want to wait in all day for a parcel that could arrive between 9am and 9pm. So, when choosing a courier, enquire about their tracking. Do they provide instant notifications or updates? Do they give customers a delivery window? And do they offer alternative delivery points if a customer will not be home?

Price Comparison

When it comes to delivery, cost is not everything, but it should be an important factor. After all, if a courier charges too much, it could eat into company profits. To avoid this, be sure to use a delivery comparison or parcel broker service such as, who negotiate the best prices from logistics providers across the UK.

Opening Hours

Your customers place orders outside of the 9-to-5 day. As such, there may be times where you need to send out an urgent parcel at an unusual time. If your current courier closes at 5pm, this could leave you stuck. To avoid this, look at their opening hours. This way, if an urgent order comes in, you know you can fulfill it.

Choosing the best courier is subject to the individual package and depends on many factors from price to speed. However, consider the above to help you make the right decision.