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About amit

Hi, I am online marketing consultant and Blogger. Here I will provide information about WordPress Premium themes, plugins and useful php script.

4 Professional Development Opportunities in 2018 That Are a Must for Business Owners

2018 has just started. For business owners, a new year creates an opportunity to achieve the targets that were missed in the previous year. On the other hand, competition among businesses is still stiff. It’s only the crafty enterprise owners that will thrive. A majority of these businesses will fail because their owners are not yet ready to close in on business development opportunities. Such businesses collapse even when they offer the best services or products. Below is a list of development opportunities that can help business owners remain ahead of their competition.

  1. Develop a Website  

In this day and age, people prefer to shop for products and services through websites. This is because people don’t have the time to shop from offline stores. Amazon is a good example of how businesses can grow by giving their customers the benefit of making orders from the comfort of their homes. On the other hand, making a website has been made easier by the availability of web development softwares. If you are tech savvy, you can use these free tools and budget for a domain name and hosting. For those that want a website with advanced features, there are many top notch web developers that can be sourced via the internet.

  1. SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has taken the place of traditional marketing managers. The advantage of using SEO is that you don’t always have to be there for the strategy to work. SEO will actually cause people to visit your online store even when you are asleep. By working on SEO, there is a guarantee that your business will grow tremendously. This is due to the fact that you will appear in top most pages of search engine results.

Unless you have optimized your website with SEO, you will continue to experience dwindling sales. Even those who make it to the top of rankings must not sleep because retaining a top position in the rankings requires a business to continue updating its SEO strategies. Businesses that don’t have SEO skills are now acquiring website optimization skills at SEO Institute. This is helping them save money that would have been spent to hire SEO experts.

  1. Use Social Networks

Businesses that are still using traditional marketing methods such as radio and TV will never be able to catch up with their competitors. As a matter of fact, people have become busier with their schedules than ever before. And as such they rarely have time to watch TV or listen to radio. If you want to market your products or services to many people, you should use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram among many others. The advantage of using social networks is that they have tools that allow you to filter your target audience. The other benefit is that your customers can easily refer their friends and relatives to your business.

  1. Video

Businesses are now using videos to promote their products and services. This is because it’s much easier to convince viewers to buy your products after they have been enlightened about what you have to offer. Videos are now being interlinked with websites to redirect viewers to online stores.

Category: SEO

5 Tips to Running a Business On a Budget

Starting a small business can be pretty easy as there are numerous opportunities to fit any skill set and budget. But running a small business successfully is another matter entirely. To do this, you have to start making the right decisions right from the planning stages. Deciding what product or service to sell, where to locate your business, as well as the people you will hire, will play a big role in your success. More importantly, your accounting practices will make or break you.

In today’s business climate, more and more entrepreneurs are learning how to run their businesses on a shoestring budget. Flashy offices and flamboyant living are no longer the main thought for new business owners. Instead, bootstrapping is the name of the game.

When you’re solely responsible for a company’s failure or success, it only makes sense to operate on a tight budget. And the best way to reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with such a decision is by finding ways to lower your company’s day-to-day expenses. Such cost-cutting will keep it thriving, even when the sales are slow. So, here are 5 tips that can help you run your business on a budget:

  1. Get Better at Budgeting and Organizing

The first step to reducing business costs is by getting more organized. Knowing what is happening in your company and arranging everything in its place will help you save money. You’ll know what to buy so that your day-to-day operations run smoothly. Also, having well-organized records will cut out the need to hire someone to manage the office.

You should also use a monthly budget to keep your business on track. Nothing will cut down spending more than seeing just what you’re spending money on every month.

  1. Use your Own Equipment

Laptops, cell phones, and printers – many people already own all the equipment they need to start a new business. Use these and convert them from personal to business assets. This will save you money because the equipment will become tax deductible.

However, make sure that you set up your computer or laptop adequately before using it for business purposes. This involves downloading and installing legitimate, registered software on your machine. To start you off on the right foot, you can get a cheap Microsoft Word download here.

  1. Operate as a Sole Proprietorship

When registering any company, there are various business models that are available to you. But the best option for a new small business is to start off as a sole proprietorship. That’s because it is free to form and allows you to launch a company with a no-cost operating structure. This means that you don’t have to get things like an office to start your business – which is a major requirement for other models.

But keep in mind that operating as a sole proprietorship means that you own the business fully and are responsible for all its debts.

  1. Use Tech for Marketing

Small business owners can use the Internet for a lot of things, including marketing. You can now run a full marketing campaign on social platforms at a fraction of what it would cost if you use traditional media options. If you do it right, it also gives you the chance to market your brand to large groups of people at one time. Take advantage of this opportunity to promote your product or service regularly.

  1. Cut down on Employees

Hiring more people means that you will have to spend more money on salaries and insurance. Before taking on new staff, ask yourself if you really need to. Sure, it might be the only option if work has been picking up recently. But using remote workers can be much cheaper. Crowdsourcing some aspect of the work on a reliable online platform can even prove to be better for your budget in the long run.

How A Good Software Can Make Steel Industry Profitable

You might think that the steel industry is so well established that there is no room for a new company. Fortunately, this is not true.  In fact, the US steel industry is worth in excess of $100 billion, that’s a good reason to get into the industry today!

The steel industry is fast paced and you’ll find there is a huge amount of competition. But, with a little use of technology, you can actually turn this to your advantage. All you need is a plan and some good software.

The right steel and metal fabrication software will allow you to plan your business, review each stage of it and ensure it all connects together to create a seamless and efficient process.

This is important; streamlining minimizes costs and allows you to give your customers the best possible prices.

Your Customer

In fact, your customer is the most important part of the process and the right software can help you to make them feel special.

You need to be able to see how much steel a specific customer is using to evaluate how big a discount you can give them. Of course, a discount is not the only way in which you can help a customer. Simply offering them extended payment terms will help.

The right software will also allow you to highlight the peaks and troughs of a specific customer’s order history. This will allow you to capitalize on moving steel prices to ensure you have what they need in stock at the best possible price, when they need it.

Software will allow you to effortlessly do this for multiple customers.


The right software package will be able to monitor the current price of steel from your various different suppliers. It will evaluate who is offering the best deal and whether the supplier is worth continuing with.

It can also give you the information you need to renegotiate with any one of your suppliers.

This has to be good for your customer and your own profitability.


Of course software allows you to examine the processes being used within your firm. You should be able to track any piece of steel through your business. This will ensure it is being used efficiently and you are not holding greater stocks than you need.

The industry is extremely fast paced and can be volatile. It is best to keep minimal stocks present or you might find yourself a victim of a price drop and be unable to sell your stocks for more than you paid for them!

Examining your production process will also allow you to spot areas where you can save time and money. You will also be ableto identify areas where the steel is being customized unnecessarily.

The point of any good software is to ensure you know your customer’s needs, often before they do. It should also allow you to oversee every step of your process which will ensure your costs are kept to a minimum.

If your current software isn’t doing this it’s time to change!

How Office Fruit Can Boost your Health This Winter

It’s often said that the winter is the season when we’re most likely to suffer from ill-health and this is not just a myth. When the temperatures drop, the windows and doors at home and in workplaces around the country tend to remain firmly shut, creating the perfect conditions for viruses to thrive and spread.

With the shorter, colder days, many of us are also less physically active than we are during warmer months, swapping regular exercise for nights in the pub. Reduced motivation to stay fit and an increase in late nights and alcohol intake lays the foundations for a weakened immune system. This puts us at a greater risk of developing the sniffles and other more serious winter illnesses.

The bad news is there’s no cure for the common cold or many of the season’s other most persistent illnesses, but by developing some good habits and with a helping hand from nature, you can safeguard your immune system and keep happy and healthy this winter.

Here are our top tips to boost your winter health…

  1. Up your intake of fruit and veg

When it’s cold and dark and outside, the temptation can be to overindulge on comfort food, but this is one time of the year you need to eat more and fruit and veg, not less. We spend 60 percent of our waking hours at work, so upping your fruit intake in the office is an effective strategy. Companies like office fruit provider Fruitful Office can provide regular deliveries of fresh fruit to your workplace so you can snack on something healthy rather than contemplating the walk of shame to the vending machine.

  1. Add Omega 3 fatty acids

As well as eating plenty of fruit and veg, you should also try to increase the amount of Omega 3 in your diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are a natural anti-inflammatory and are incredibly effective at reducing joint pain and stiffness. Studies also show that Omega 3 helps to reduce the symptoms of depression, which more people are prone to during the winter months.   

  1. Try new activities

If you don’t appreciate the beauty of a cold winter’s day then you’re definitely missing out. Just wrap up warm and get out there, whether you go for a winter walk along the beach or take the whole family ice-skating. Regular exercise not only helps to control your weight but it can also give your immune system a boost.

  1. Be protective of your pen!

Admittedly, that sounds like a slightly odd suggestion, but cold and flu germs can easily be passed by touching objects that are used by lots of different people, just like the humble pen. At work, make sure you use our own pen whenever you can and keep it out of the reach of your colleagues. It can also be handy in the bank and when signing for items being delivered to your home.

  1. Take time to rest and recover

Working out regularly is a great way to stay fit and healthy during the winter months, but if you don’t give your body time to recover then you’re only upping the likelihood that you’ll get sick. Overworked muscles can have the same impact on your busy as a lack of sleep, making it easier for viruses and gems to take over. The solution is to get plenty of rest after your workout and making sure you get at 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

  1. Stay hydrated

it’s just as important to stay hydrated in winter as it is in summer. Central heating can make the air hot and dry, causing your levels of hydration to fall, fast. When you spend long periods of time outside in the cold, the body’s thirst function also becomes diminished. That’s due to the constriction of blood vessels which keeps your body’s core warm. The result is that you don’t feel as thirsty as you should. So, make sure you drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel like you need to.

  1. Wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitiser

Keeping your hands clean and germ-free is one of the best ways to stay healthy. An American study has shown that families who carry hand sanitiser with them and use it regularly had 59 percent fewer cases of stomach bugs than non-users. A single squirt followed by a 10-second hand rub is enough to eliminate nearly all germs.

What are your top tips for boosting your health this winter? Do you have any techniques you swear by? Please share your tips in the comments below…

Enhance your GATE Preparation at any of these 5 Coaching Centers in Delhi

GATE 2018 is scheduled for February 3- 4and 10 -11,2018. The exam will be conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. Admit cards for the same were made available on the official website on January 5, 2018. Those candidates who have not yet downloaded the admit cards can do the same.According to the detailed schedule released by IIT, Guwahati, the result for the examination will be declared on March 17, 2018.
The exam has earned its reputation as one of the toughest exams in India due to the increasing level of competition. It is a gateway for recruitment/ admission into PSUs, IITs, &IISc and thus holds due importance for aspiring candidates. However, everything depends your understanding of pattern and syllabus for GATE, preparation level and the level of paper difficulty. Many training institutes specialize in training to help students prepare for the exam.

Here is a list of the same, to help you ace the exam with zero difficulty.

Made Easy, New Delhi

As the name suggest, the institute excels at making GATE syllabus easy for you. The institute aims at helping its students understand the concepts and then apply the same further while solving questions. Students are provided with a full-fledged learning environment and are taught by well qualified and skilled teachers. Students are further motivated from time to time with the help of motivational seminars so that they stay focus on their goal.

Working Hours: 10 am to 9:30 pm

Course Duration: 1 year

Contact Details: 011-4512-4612

Address: Kalu Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi

Course Fee: INR 50,000- INR 60, 000.

GATE Forum, New Delhi

 Gate Forum has widespread network with over 65 Gate coaching centers located all over the country. The Institute offers two main courses- ICP and ICP Plus eligible for students belonging to different streams like EC, CS, EE, ME and IN. The institute works in two batches- weekend and regular, as per the need and convenience of the student. The courses include important materials from concept building to one’s ability assessment in order to appear for GATE.

Address: 65/C, Prateek Market, Munirka, Delhi

Working Hours: All days. 8 am to 8 pm

Contact Details: 011-6515-3988

Course Duration: one year at least

Course Fee: INR 45,000 (approx.)

IES Academy, Delhi, India 

IES Academy in Delhi is a respected institute which initiates an environment which is full of diversification and competition. The institute guides the students to channelize their efforts in the correct way in order to achieve the desired results. It aims to minimize the attempts which are given by the students in GATE, thus maximizing the output.

Address: 28-B/7, Second Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, HauzKhas, New Delhi

Working Hours: 10 am to 8 pm

Contact Details: +91-11-2653-7570, +91-98109-58290

Course Duration: one-year minimum

Batch Available: Weekday and weekend batches available

Course Fee: INR 65,000

The GATE Coach, New Delhi

This is one of the oldest Institutes to provide coaching for GATE and possesses a very high degree of success in comparison to other institutes in India. Weekend and weekday batches are available as per the student’s preference. The institute also has an option for summer crash course.

Address: 28, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi
Working Hours: 10 am to 5 pm
Contact Details: 011-2652-9998
Course Duration: one-year minimum
Course Fee: INR 40,000- INR 45, 000

Engineers Institute of India, New Delhi

The institute understands the increasing level of competition and aims to provide a learning platform for those who wish to compete on a larger scale through GATE. Systematic planning and scientific training are some of its key features. The institute is ranked among the best institutes providing coaching for GATE Exam.

Address: 61C, Ground Floor, Near HDFC ATM Kalu Sarai, HauzKhas, New Delhi

Working Hours: 7 am to 10 pm

Contact Details: 099906-57855

Course Duration: 10-12 months

Course Fee: INR 60,000 – INR 70, 000.

How to Write a Marvelous Persuasive Speech in 2018

A persuasive speech is one which is intended to assure the audience to perform something. Whether one wants people to stop littering, change one’s mind about a significant matter, or vote, persuasive speech is an effective way for swaying an audience. But, with some practice and preparation, one can convey a powerful speech.

Learn about One’s Topic

It is crucial to know as much as you can about the subject one will be speaking on. If you are not already well versed in the topic, doing some research and learning as much can be helpful. It is a good concept to know the debate on all sides of the matter. Whatever debate you are making, you will be more persuasive if you address the views of the side opposing. You should spend some time reading some speech sample or books, or simply going online and finding some articles. If however doing this task is hectic, you can opt for academic ghostwriting services to be assisted with a good persuasive speech.

Know Your Goal

It is important to comprehend precisely what it is you are attempting to achieve with your own speech. This way, you can be tailoring one’s content to fit your individual aspirations. For instance, if the topic is reusable, it is crucial to comprehend much about reusing. But, the speech will require precisely what you are wishing the audience will do. Are you trying to get individuals to vote in approval of a citywide reusable program? Or are you attempting in convincing them to sort their cans and glasses and place them in a different bin. So spelling your goal out early will enable you in crafting your message.

Comprehending Your Audience

It is important for you to understand your audience, their knowledge and views about the topic and will also be influencing the substance of your personality. An Audience that apprehends little about your subject will require simple language and more background.  Similarly, an audience that is already supporting your idea on a subject will be comfortable to persuade in taking some action. You will not be convincing the audience that you are right, but that they will only require in doing something. By disparity, an audience that does not concur with you will be requiring persuasion to even considering your own point of view.

Choosing the Right Persuasive Approach

Depending on your audience and topic, many ways exist that you might be trying in convincing individuals of your point of view. Speakers have relied on three major persuasive techniques since the days of the ancient Greece although are not used in modern times. Ethos: these are pleads to the audience’s moral or ethics. Pathos: These are pleads to the audience’s feelings. Logos: These are pleads to the audience’s intellect or logic.

Outlining Your Main Points

Once you have chosen the ideal persuasive technique for your audience, brainstorm the main point you will be making during the speech. The number of ideas you can be making to support your place will be influenced by how much period you have to speak. It is usually a good number to be using three to four supporting ideas, as a rule of thumb. For instance, in the speech about reusing, your main three points might be: Reusing reduces the amount of garbage, Reusing saves resources, Reusing is cost effective.

Writing Your Speech

Before you can start to persuade your audience, you require to be opening the speech in a manner that will be making them pay attention. An intense opening has four main components: An attention gainer: This could be a visual or statement that has captured the attention of the audience. A connection to the audience: This is a way to show that you are having something common with the audience. Your qualifications: This is a way of that you are well informed on the subject of the speech. Your ambition: Explaining to the audience what you desire the speech will be accomplishing.

Difference between Persuasive and Weak and Vague Presentation

Obviously the difference here is the goal to persuade the audience. Benefits: Likewise, in a persuasive presentation, you require indicating the benefits of the answer, such what the audience will get in return from buying, approving, or contributing but in a vague presentation, you will only talk about the significance of the information. Problem solving: Many persuasive presentations will outline the problem and later the solution but the vague presentation will use this idea less often.

In conclusion, a persuasive speech is one which is intended to assure the audience to perform something. Persuasive speech subjects can be produced from anywhere and the speech can be any subject of interest. The intention of a persuasive speech is to add value to the interest of the audience. You can make a topic to sound much interesting utilizing creative language and techniques to persuade your targeted audience.