Author Archives: amit

About amit

Hi, I am online marketing consultant and Blogger. Here I will provide information about WordPress Premium themes, plugins and useful php script.

5 Tips to selecting the best hiking boots for your needs

Whether you are a military person or just an ordinary person that loves hiking, the boots you choose can determine whether your hike will be enjoyable or torturous.  That’s why you need to choose boots are designed for long and rough hiking journeys. To help you make that choice, here are 5 tips to selecting the best hiking boots for your needs.

  1. Go for light weight boots

Hiking in itself is difficult, and the last thing you want is for your hiking boots to make things even more difficult for you. That’s why Special Forces and tactical hiking boots are made of lightweight materials, to enhance the soldier’s efficiency. You can try out boots before purchasing them to determine whether they are light enough relative to your weight. Other than comfort, lightweight boots can help you avoid injuries that you may incur from wearing heavy shoes in a rough terrain.

  1. Select those with ankle protection

Hiking involves climbing over rocks, and other extremely difficult terrain. The kind of terrain where you can easily injure your ankles with serious medical implications. To protect yourself from such, choose hiking boots that come with good ankle protection. On top of that, good ankle protection can help you gain traction and hike faster. That’s because your ankles won’t tire as easily as they would if you don’t have ankle protection. Speed can make all the difference especially if you are hiking for military reasons. You don’t want your ankles failing you when trying to move away from the enemy.

  1. Go for those made of breathable materials

Hiking is tough, and you can rest assured that your legs will heat up especially if you are hiking in hot conditions. This can give you heat blisters, that can incapacitate you and bring the hike to an abrupt stop. That’s why you should go for boots made of breathable materials. This way, the boots can lose excess heat that would otherwise get trapped in the boot as you hike. Besides, hiking boots made of breathable materials will not stink from feet sweat. Smelly feet can be embarrassing especially if you are hiking with friends.

  1. Select those that drain well

Sometimes when hiking, you will need to go through marshy conditions. For you to successful make it through such, you need hiking boots that can drain easily. When your hiking boots can drain easily, you achieve two critical objectives. The first one is that you will protect yourself from athlete-foot, an infection that comes from keeping your feet in wet conditions for long. The second one is that you get to walk around in comfort. There is nothing as uncomfortable as walking around in wet shoes that won’t drain.

  1. Test the boot to find one that fits perfectly

The biggest mistake you can do is to go hiking with a pair of boots that don’t fit well. If it’s too big, it can easily give you blisters on your feet. And if it’s too tight, it can hurt your toe bringing your hiking journey to an abrupt stop. That’s why you need to try them, and make sure that they fit well before you go hiking.

The Virtual Prepaid Card: 3 Novel Uses For Business

The traditional methods in which a business would use a virtual prepaid card typically centered around remote workers, employees on the road who were in immediate need for gasoline or cash and contractors needing to make an unexpected, but timely purchase.  However, there are novel ways in which a business can use virtual prepaid cards.  Thinking outside of the box can help companies make better use of the tools they already control.

A Virtual Prepaid Card As An Employee Gift

Virtual prepaid cards can be used for employee bonuses or end-of-year gifts.  As opposed to cash or a check which typically ends up in a bank account used for day-to-day expenses, a virtual card is more likely to be used for something special.  The fact that the virtual card can be reloaded means that it can be used for multiple bonus periods or holidays.  And using virtual cards cuts down on the number of checks that need to be written and cashed, saving time and money for everyone involved.

Virtual Prepaid Cards In Place Of Customer Refund

If you need to reimburse a customer, a virtual prepaid card is an easy way to issue store credit.  It ensures the customer has instant access to the funds, the card doesn’t get lost and when it finally gets used, the money comes back to the company.  The fact that a virtual card can be instantly created means it’s immediately ready for use and the customer isn’t out of pocket for any length of time.  Virtual cards can’t be misplaced and can always be called up by the administrator at a later date.  By specifying where the card can be used upon creation, you can be assured that the funds will eventually return to your company.

Online Shopping With Virtual Prepaid Cards

A virtual prepaid card is perfect for online shopping because it isn’t attached to any bank account or sensitive personal information.  It’s possible to limit the purchase amount so there’s no fear of overspending or overcharging.  A virtual card is flexible in that it can be limited to a one time payment, set up to make recurring payments for things like subscriptions or regular monthly charges or used like any other debit or credit card.

Where Do You Get A Virtual Prepaid Card?

Emburse is an industry leader in virtual prepaid cards, reloadable debit cards and other types of expense management tools.  Contact Emburse today for a free 1month trial.

4 Ways to Play Cash Games Responsibly

Rummy is an interesting card game. With over twenty variants being recognized and played across the world, it is undoubtedly a very popular card game. If you are new to rummy, you may initially start playing to learn the game. But innately you desire to make it big at the cash games. Playing for real cash gives you an unexplainable sense of high, perhaps very similar to the way you feel in an adventure sport.

While rummy sites in India advise you to play cash games when you have gained expertise, you should also be aware that the element of risk is proportional to the stake amount involved – high stakes, higher risk. Here are 4 pointers that you may consider and be responsible while playing cash games.

  1. Start with small deposits

After you have played sufficient practice games and free tournaments, when you embark upon playing cash games, always ensure you join tables where the deposit amount it less. Rummy sites in India offer several cash tables with varying deposits. In cash games, the time limit is much lesser than the free games. Also, the players here exhibit exceptional rummy skills and are very quick in making the moves. In order to imbibe all these aspects into yourself, start with small deposits and gradually progress to play higher deposits as you taste success.

  1. Never play with the intention to win your deposit amount

After you have gained expertise, in any game for that matter, it is your attitude that matters for your sustenance and success in the game. In rummy too, your attitude majorly influences your decisions in the game. Since it requires mental skills, if you approach the game with the sole objective of winning back your deposit amount, then you are most likely to make blunders in the game. The moment your focus shifts from money and gets fixed in the game, success is sure to come by.

  1. Do not play to square your defeat

Professional and expert rummy players playing at indian rummy sites are not known for their expertise in the game alone; rather, they are equally recognized for the mature thinking and approach they deploy in the game. They do not square their previous defeat by playing another game of rummy because they are very well aware of the fact that successes and loses are part of rummy games too. In case they lose, they try to ponder on the mistake they may have possibly committed and try to rectify it in the future if they encounter a similar situation. Hence, play rummy to enjoy and not make it your means to square a loss.

  1. Set yourself a limit

The initial success in cash games could make you over-confident about your skills and prompt you to start playing at multiple tables by depositing recklessly.  Never let yourself yield to such an emotion. Rummy is a game which has to be enjoyed and not lead to anguish in you. Hence, exercise control while playing cash games. Exercise refrain in order to be responsible. Best rummy sites provide you with the feature to set daily cash limit helping you play more responsibly.

As you play more cash rummy games starting with smaller deposits, you will find your rummy skills improving too and turning yourself into a professional.

Why Is an eBook on Your Kindle Better Than a Paper One?

Here at, we often help our clients write on eBook-related topics. It seems that teachers all over the world have decided that eBooks are the new public enemy. We can’t agree – and here is why.


Hipster habits aside, a paper book is not that convenient. It’s heavy. It doesn’t have adjustable colors. It can be cumbersome, while an eBook will fit into the tiniest of phones if you want it to fit in there. The smell of a paper book? Yes, it’s nice, but not when it’s weighing down your shoulder in a shoulder bag.

Built-in dictionaries

Can a paper book tell you what a certain word means? Well, to be honest, there are some with dictionaries at the end. To find a word, you’d have to go there and look under the right letter, which takes time and is quite annoying. An eBook allows looking up words right there and then. You don’t know one, two, five? Simply put the cursor before it and the device will tell you what it means (provided you have a dictionary installed or downloaded).


Do you know the difference between paper and electronic editions of books on Amazon? Electronic versions are cheaper and they will be on your device immediately after ordering. Paper books? More expensive, take more time to arrive, and don’t provide free samples. Don’t you just love it how you can download a free sample of an eBook to see if you will like the whole thing?


Imagine going on vacation and taking a paper book with you – one you haven’t read before. It’s nice and quiet near the sea, you go through the first fifty pages and realize that the book is absolute garbage. You can hardly take it any longer. What are your options? Give up reading for the entire vacation? Buy some trashy novel from the local book stand? With an eBook, your problem is easily solved – you just go online, find another book and voila, you have it ready for use.

Access to all your favorite books in one place

What if, say, you like reading 5 books at once? A professional one, a fiction one, and a biography? Carrying all those books with you is hardly a reasonable thing to do. With an eBook, you can carry around all the books you want and jump from detective stories to historical novels and romance.

All in all, technology has changed the way we live, and there is no reason why it shouldn’t transform the way we read. Converting from reading old paper books to electronic ones on your phone or any other device is a natural course of events. It can’t be prevented, and we probably should stop trying to prevent it.

After all, we’re not trying to abandon washing machines and pick up doing laundry by hand again. Why would we do something like thatto electronic books?

4 Things to Do Today to Keep Your Family Safe

Keeping our family safe from harm is not always as easy as we hope it will be.  There are outside influences and factors that we cannot control. If you are not using the appropriate tools and equipment to create a safe and enhance your environment, the odds are stacked against you a little unequally. While you cannot put them in bubble wrap and keep them away from everyone and everything, there are a few things that you can do to provide an added layer of safety to their lives.

  1. Install a Home Alarm and Security System

Alarm systems are created to keep intruders out and have been designed to do so much more in recent years. In fact, today’s manufacturers are offering a wide range of innovative home alarm systems options and features for homeowners. Internet based solutions can give insight into your home and the status of entry points and interior locations via an online application.  The addition of cameras provides visual alerts as well.  You can pick and choose which type of system will meet your personal needs and preferences. These systems usually offer a direct connection to your local police and fire stations, so not only are you made aware of any danger immediately, but the authorities will be at your side quickly too.

  1. Install a Carbon Monoxide Monitor

Unfortunately, there is more than one type of intruder that can enter your home. This intruder can also cause harm to the health and safety of everyone that resides there. Unlike a physical intruder that enters the property and can easily be seen, this cannot be seen at all. This is because it arrives in an invisible, odorless gas form. So, the only way that you can identify this type of problem is to install a carbon monoxide monitor. Carbon monoxide monitors are designed to sound an alarm when it senses a certain level of carbon monoxide in the air. This gives the family an opportunity to get to a safe place until the source of the leak is found. It is recommended that these detectors be installed in more than one room. Identify the high-risk areas, like those in bedrooms and near your furnace, and install a monitor there.  Ideally, you would have one in every room or one that has coverage for a larger area- Rooms where fuel-burning appliance/heaters are set up

  1. Test Alarm Systems Regularly and Devise an Emergency Plan

If you have an alarm system for your home, you are one step ahead of the game. You can feel confident in knowing that you have alerts in place for ensuring your family’s safety. However, once these alarms are installed, you must make sure that you keep them working with regular battery changes and also keep the area around them clear of obstructions. This includes regular dusting so that the filters can read the air around them efficiently.  This will allow them to function properly.  Also, have a plan in place for any alerts that you receive.  A fire alert would merit one plan, while an intruder alert would be another.  Hopefully, you never have to put these plans into action, but if you do, you are ready.

  1. Take Advantage of the Latest Options in Smart Technology

Today, the latest technological advances have offerings for virtually every home, business, and industry. Smart technology has made it possible for homeowners to monitor their home’s security remotely from virtually anywhere. For instance, even if you leave home without locking your doors, you can lock your doors remotely via an application on your mobile phone. Modern technology has even eliminated the need for you to answer your door in person.  You can install a smart doorbell and answer via a speaker or camera at the door.  This comes in handy when you need to avoid unwanted solicitation.  It also gives you the freedom to be on vacation and still able to monitor front door activity, appearing as if you are right inside when you answer the ring through your mobile device.

If you want to know that your family is safe and secure, you should start making some of thesechanges today. Fortunately, these are just a few things that you can do to minimizethe risks.

How to Write an Essay Avoiding Plagiarism

When you replicate or copy someone’s idea and show it as if you created it entirely is called plagiarism. People do this all the time and even on purpose. Sometimes they copy and paste the whole content from any site directly in their essays without any footnote or quotation marks. They download or even buy an essay on the Internet.

Plagiarizing contents or essays is considered cheating and is taken seriously by schools and universities. Instructors just want their students to create unique essays based on their knowledge and concepts. Young people are learning for the future because you never know what may come in handy someday.

It is a good thing that a plagiarism tool was invented and is being implemented to be used by teachers and instructors to check their student’s works or essays. A great example of such tool is PlagiarismCheck which proved to be reliable and effective in detecting plagiarized contents.

6 Effective Ways of Avoiding Plagiarism

  1. Cite – which means referring to a source you are quoting. it is one of the most effective ways if you are to avoid plagiarizing. It is quite simple. However, if you did not cite properly it may cause plagiarism.
  2. Paraphrase – which means giving the meaning of the source in another form. this method makes you think critically but the outcome can be satisfying. You should construct the copied words or phrases to make it your own, and you should use quotation marks.
  3. Quoting – means repeating the words from the original text. If you are quoting a phrase, use it as the exact same way that it appears. Seriously, being misquoted gives you a hard time. This method may take some of your time, but your efforts will eventually pay off. However, quoting should be done the right way if you are avoiding plagiarism.
  4. Referencing – means acknowledging the original source. Including some reference may be one of the most effective ways to avoid being caught by a plagiarism tool. In reference, the guidelines format should include the date of publication, source, author(s), and title.
  5. Citing Quotes – citing some quotes is not the same as citing a paraphrased material. This normally involves adding some paragraph numbers, or page numbers.
  6. Citing your own Materials – if you created a research paper some time ago and decided to use it in the future it is considered as self-plagiarism. However, it is your own work and no one can do anything about it because it is your own knowledge creativity.

Differences among Paraphrasing, Quoting, and Summarizing

These ways of making someone’s work your own have their differences involving the familiarity of your work and the source.

  • Paraphrasing – involves making a channel from the source and making it your own. Paraphrased materials are normally smaller than the source, taking some broad statements from the source while you reduce it marginally.
  • Quotations – should be the same as the original, with the use of a thin section from the source. It should match the whole document and it must be accredited by the main author.
  • Summarizing – it usually involves making an idea your own, this includes the key points. Summaries are normally shorter than the source’s overview.

Seven Writing Essay Tips 

  1. Pick a topic.

However the topic you pick or acquired is assigned, the bottom line is that you define the purpose for this essay. Should it be informational? Or persuasive? Once you decided, try to correlate it to something that interests you. This way you get to write with passion and bring the topic to life.

  1. Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas.

Organizing all your ideas and thoughts before writing your essay is a crucial step. By jotting down your ideas on paper, you would be able to plan and thoroughly layout the connections of these ideas. This, in turn, would give you a proper outline and well-organized links and chains of ideas when you are writing.

  1. Write your thesis statement.

After the initial steps of choosing a topic, and organizing your ideas you now generate a thesis statement. This statement would explain to the audience the point of the essay. A Thesis statement will have two basic parts, The first one, stating the topic and the second one, stating the point.

  1. Write the body.

This is the part where you describe your main topic, explanations, and also arguments. The main ideas that you will write will be in isolated sections of the body.

You can start by using one of your main ideas in the introductory. Then follow your supportive ideas in a basic format. You may reserve spaces or lines that you can come back and insert your detailed samples later on to solidify your position.

  1. Write the introduction.

After writing the initial steps and developing them, you now must formulate your introduction, this part should attract your reader’s attention and show the main focus of this essay.

  1. Write the conclusion.

This gives the closure of the focus and summarizes all the ideas while implementing a last perspective on the topic. This is usually made up of 3 to 5 sentences and solidifies all the topics and points of your thesis.

  1. Add the finishing touches.

Varying and checking small details is essential after you have done with your essay. This assures you to check for possible errors for the true final form of your essay.


We hope our simple outline gives you valuable information into writing your essay and empowers you to avoid common plagiarism. Enjoy and start writing!