Author Archives: amit

About amit

Hi, I am online marketing consultant and Blogger. Here I will provide information about WordPress Premium themes, plugins and useful php script.

Converting a Smartphone into a Mouse for Your PC

Let’s imagine a situation when you need to deal with custom essay writing but your USB or Bluetooth mouse is out-of-service. Even the replacement of batteries gave no result. Naturally, the obvious solution is to use the laptop’s touchpad or order a new device. The first option is not very comfortable while the second one requires some time to wait. However, there is another way to replace such subtle but important device. It is not usual but effective. Your smartphone can be easily turned into the PC mouse without any supernatural skills in computer engineering.

A Mobile App Comes to the Rescue

Do not expect that you require some special magic to convert a smartphone into a mouse. All you need is to find and download a proper application. Actually, you can find numerous software products in App Store/Google Play/Windows Store depending on your device’s OS. Yet, the most popular mouse-converting app is Remote Mouse by Yang Tian Ljao.

The app is available for three major platforms including Android 3.0+, iOS 7.0+, and Windows Phone 8.0+. Keep in mind that it is not enough to download the app on the gadget. The software has to be installed on your PC either. Do not trouble since all versions of Windows and MacOS are supported.

As soon as you accomplished the installation procedures for all devices, you can shift to the synchronization stage. Make sure that the app is running on both the PC and the smartphone. As a rule, a couple of seconds is enough to let devices find each other and get synchronized. Successful connection means that your device for making calls and typing SMS became a mouse-pointing device. Yet, it is not the accustomed PC mouse in the practical sense.

How to Work With the New Mouse?

The most substantial thing is that there is no need to slide your phone. The control is performed by moving your finger on its screen in the necessary direction. Working principle is the same as on the touchpad. Move the finger and the cursor on the computer screen moves in the certain direction. One tap on the smartphone’s display corresponds to pushing the left button of the PC mouse. Two taps equal the right button. Though such limited functional opportunities cannot replace a professional gamer mouse with various doodads, they are capable to perform ordinary functions of a regular mouse.

Moreover, it is possible to open a screen keyboard to type a password or URL. However, this function can be replaced with a voice input. Browse the app stores and you will find various solutions enabling to forget about physical keyboards and use the microphone of the smartphone instead. What you said will be displayed in the address bar or search line.

Additional Features

The interface of the Remote Mouse app running on the gadget provides several shortcut buttons. They enable to quickly shut down, restart, hibernate the PC or exit your profile.

Another feature is the control of music players and Internet resources, as well as several multimedia programs. If you are a Mac owner, you can use buttons to adjust volume and switch tracks in iTunes, Keynote, Hulu and Front Row. A similar list for Windows-based PCs includes iTunes, PowerPoint, Windows Media Player and Windows Photo Viewer. However, only the basic functions of Remote Mouse are free. Be prepared to pay an extra charge for additional functional opportunities.

The described app allows turning your smartphone into the PC mouse within several seconds. Besides, there are miscellaneous apps enabling to make a radio, microphone, navigator and other tools of your device.

How to Give an Effective Presentation

Presentations are a part of life. We are first exposed to them during our school years, and then in university, and then at work. You can even give presentations to your family members on special occasions like a wedding. Giving an effective presentation says a lot about you, and it gets your message across in the way you want it to. Effective presentations can get people motivated, make them cry, or whatever else your goal is, but the presentation’s success begins and ends with you:

  1. Tips on Creating Your Slideshow

Having a slideshow is perfect to help you stay on track and to give your audience visual reinforcement. It is also what you should work on first when you are preparing a presentation. Make your presentation visually appealing, and follow Apple’s Guy Kawasaki’s advice on slideshows; that they should contain ten slides, be twenty minutes long, and should use size 30pt font or larger. Of course, if you are creating a slideshow of photos of your friends and family, it could be as long as you want it to be.

  1. Know Your Audience

You wouldn’t use technical jargon if you were giving your presentation to a layman audience. You wouldn’t use complex words if you were presenting to an audience of children, either. Knowing your audience is how you’ll know how to convey the ideas and information correctly.

  1. Start with a Bang

They key to a giving a great presentation is to capture your audience’s attention, right from the start. You can use a call to action, or, more effectively, you could tell a story. People connect to stories and to narratives better than any other method. If you have a point to make, use narrative to ensure your audience is invested in what you are trying to say.

  1. Remember to Reinforce Your Message

At the end of your presentation, you should always reinforce your message. This could be on another slide, or it could just be you summing up the key points that you have made. Either way, you need to repeat your key points if you want your audience to take away the right information.

  1. Practice

Don’t let having information in the slideshow fool you – you need to practice. Great presentations engage with the audience, they provide more information than just what is on the screen, and they are presented by confident speakers. Practice your presentation so you know the correct pace, tone, and even the volume that you need to hit for your presentation to be successful.

  1. Be Engaging

When it comes to presenting your piece, you need to be engaging. This means smiling. It means being confident in your tone and in your body language. It means making eye contact with members throughout your audience. You need your audience to connect with you, and doing these simple tricks is an easy way to build rapport.

A great presentation can completely change someone’s opinion. It can inform people in a way that they remember and connect with. Presentations are important for so many different areas in your life, and knowing how to give a great presentation will take you far.

4 ways that make your writing process simpler

Young people face a variety of challenges when they become students of higher educational institutions. One of them is academic paper writing. The first papers written at the university become a torture that takes a lot of time and effort so it is important to be armed and make this process simpler. Of course, you can opt for help of the writing service but not always you have money to do that so the following writing tips on simplifying the writing process may come in handy to you.

  1. Stimulate thinking

It is a widely known fact that writing produces thinking. The more time you will dedicate to the writing process from the very beginning, the easier it will be for you to build informative sentences and coherent paragraphs later.

When you start writing your first draft, let your thoughts flow without paying attention to mistakes and punctuation. Words and phrases should come naturally to you and after that some ideas may come to you any other time when you are not writing anything. In this case, you should always have anything with to write them down or record.

Consequently, writing is very important for stimulating thinking, so don’t wait for time to be ready to write, start right now and devote about half an hour to this process and you will see the results.

  1. Make your writing modular

Look at every academic paper from the mathematical point of view. Every text consists of several parts, paragraphs, chapters and it is not obligatory to write them in the order they will be presented in the final draft. You can start from the easiest part to immerse into writing process gradually and avoid being overwhelmed.

You should write regularly for a definite time period and soon each of your modules can become a brick to build a house. It is much easier to combine modules into one manuscript than get lost in the abundance of information.

Every module may become a manageable task if taken separately. But putting all of them together you receive a ready-made paper draft that will be excellent after some polishing.

  1. Stay positive

Of course, it is frustrating to realize that you need to deliver a paper consisting of multiple pages but now you have only empty pages. If you feel depressed seeing a blank page on your PC, try to start writing with your pen and notebook. Making the first sketches you will already have some information to include into your paper and the beginning will not be so exhausting.

It is of utmost importance to stay positive within the whole period of writing as it would be much more difficult to cope with the task that seems insoluble. That can be achieved by using those small tricks and tools that ease writing personally for you. You can take your favorite pen or compose text on the app of your mobile device. Write text in a comfortable atmosphere and opt for writing habits that suit you.

  1. Look through some samples

It is very difficult to compose an effective paper being not aware of how it looks like. It is one of the main reasons to look through the papers that received high grades. It is important to have a good example as you should always attempt to make even better.

The first thing to pay attention to in the samples is a format. To conduct research for a paper you should follow a specific format according to the requirements of the educational establishment and samples can give you a visual representation of how it should look like. Other important things are style, quoting and structure of the paper. You will get an idea of what is required and it will help you to plan your writing process more efficiently.

5 Social Media Tips for Small Business

Social media has proved itself an economic hub for all business activities. It is a unique platform for the growth of small-scale businesses. It provides every company a chance to develop strong bonding with their desired clients and helps to convert them into your die-hard brand followers. This is not an easy task but can be done efficiently through conscientious efforts.

Unluckily social media is not a jackpot for most of the agencies however it is a vast arena where you can try your luck. ¾ % of net users utilize social websites, and this trend signals the complete change of business process. Avoiding all risk factors is the actual task while reaching your target buyer.

You need a quality time and enough resources for your brand’s web marketing campaign, unfortunately, many of new agencies are lacking both so keeping yourself away from social media is not an appropriate choice.

Randomly posting blog posts on marketing sites

Keeping your web page germane through blog posts is crucial. This feature is much helpful in the promotion of small-scale businesses by regularly posting relevant posts on their blogs, bundles of thanks to net technology as a variety of tools are available for this. You can take help of:

  • IFTTT (if this then that) generates web traffic to your agency’s web page through WordPress posts.
  • Jetpack is another web utility with a wide range of themes, tools, and plugins for WordPress and Publicize is the most important among all, which helps you in auto-generating new posts while remaining in your (CMS) content management system.

Other than this tiresome task Google is ready to help you with many tools to auto-generate blog posts.

Limit your presence

It is not a good practice to widen your net mobility as it will affect your efficiency. By limiting yourself, you can improve your work area and content without the wastage of time. Furthermore, quality is more important than quantity so choose limited web channels for your brand’s effective promotion with regular blog posting rather than weak and irrelevant posts on multiple social channels.

One task at a time

Young and immature businesses easily fall prey to a vast range of the net market. They waste their energies in spreading their net market campaign across the board considering the importance of covering the maximum area. On the other hand, you should be more focused and productive while choosing limited social channels with high contents of your product and timely managed net traffic like it is quite easy to gain followers Instagram fast. Otherwise, the spell of web world will take you away from your goal and make you busy in fruitless and thankless efforts of widening your workspace.

With the help of many useful tools such as Facebook’s free advertisement, excellent search facility of LinkedIn and Followerwonk you can take your business to the heights of web marketing excellence. So first decide the suitable platform then invest your available resources in making the abstract happen.

Lending a hand

It is humanly impossible to master all the fields so knowing your best and worst areas; you should take expert help whenever and wherever you need. Web market is overflowing with such experts who are ready to share their expertise in properly managing your resources and achieving your desired goal to attract the maximum potential audience. Full Funnel is such platform that has extensive business promotion plans to choose with, so take a bold step and make your web page more attractive with their catchy plans.

Convert negative remarks into your strength

In this age of competition, everyone wants to be at the top of ladder ignoring the fact that others are also trying hard to earn that position. Getting an honor is difficult yet possible but maintaining it a hard nut to crack. So your bests and worsts all should be in black and white, no need to hide your shortcomings. Don’t delete your clients’ negative comments as they show that you value your customers’ opinion and welcome their suggestions. Your patience is your real power and strength to show your customers that you can modify your business according to their satisfaction level. If you can do this, you can do miracles in the world of digital marketing. After all your business is your priority.

How does the consumption of alcohol affect your driving skills?

alcohol drinking

Everyone loves to party to celebrate a victory, promotion or a success, but the party is not “great” without having alcohol, right? It’s time to think and change your mindset.

Being on the top list of main causes of car accidents, drunk driving is unfortunately common in the United States and even worldwide, based on the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).The rate, accounting alcohol-impaired accidents, is 29% which contributes to the total number of vehicle traffic fatalities in 2015. This percentage is alarming and high. Some of these cases leave minor- fatalities like destroyed properties and injured pedestrians but unluckily, every year thousands of lives are being taken due to these horrible crashes and irresponsible driving.  It’s much better to follow the traffic rules, think of a responsible and safe driving in order to prevent unnecessary accidents. Trust me, it’s not worth the risk.

Combination of two things you must avoid is alcohol and driving.

When we drive, drivers must possess the ability to focus, to be alert, to be aware, and to make quick decisions in rapid changes of situations.  As one of the top five most addictive substances, excessive alcohol drinking can cause many types of complications in our system, like Cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the heart), Arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), Fibrosis (lungs scarring), different types of Cancer in the esophagus, mouth and liver and many other diseases. Alcohol intoxication also affects the brain’s neurotransmitters which leads to a slow process of relaying information and disturbs the brain which causes drowsiness and the lack of motor coordination. Alcohol can have negative effects on these crucial driving skills:

  1. Movement

Our eyes, hands, and feet are the three basic physical parts we need to manipulate to drive a vehicle. As Alcohol intoxication primarily affects the brain region which is responsible for our motor skills, it can lower the coordination between these three physical parts. It also slows the communication between neurotransmitters in the brain that hinders to slow reaction time to a particular situation. Hearing can be also impaired during the presence of alcohol because brain helps us to distinguish different sounds around us.

  1. Decision making

The study shows that during alcohol consumption, the intoxicated driver has lower stimuli to a sudden situation. Reflexes or reaction time is reduced as much as 25% which limits the ability to identify distances between moving as well as stationary objects. It also creates the difficulty in vehicle manipulation at parking spaces and difficulty in maintaining the amount of speed. Moreover, it slows time to react to emergency situations like stepping on the brakes or controlling the steering wheel.

  1. Vision

Sight is one of the most important things when it comes to driving.

Drowsiness is one of the most distinguishable negative effects of alcohol in the body. It causes the slow movement of the eye muscles, blurred vision, reduces the peripheral vision and alters the entire visual perception. As a result, it lacks our ability to adjust to a sudden darkness and reduces focus and attention for pedestrians, road signs, and traffic lights. These can eventually result in road accidents, injuries, fatalities or worst, death.

  1. Conception

Making rational decisions is the important ability for drivers to possess. Alcohol can cause confusion during an emergency situation like hitting the brake and steer manipulation. It also affects your ability to interpret traffic signs or signals as well as the centrelines, moving or stationary vehicles around you as well as crossing pedestrians. This effect is most likely cause collisions or accidents.

  1. Tracking

Drivers need to focus on many factors at once including speed maintenance, road traffic, the position of the vehicle, distances between your own vehicle and other cars or objects and the comprehension in traffic lights or road signs.

guidepedia driving skills

So what should I do when I pulled over and get arrested for DUI

The best thing to avoid this kind of situation is not to drink and drive in the first place. It can be dangerous not only to yourself but also for the other pedestrians and vehicles.A DUI Lawyer at Romano Law, P.C. recommends to:

  1. Pull over in a safe place and stay in your car.

The police will start flashing lights at you that hints you for a pullover. Once you made the stop, take off any unnecessary accessories like hats, glasses or hood you may be wearing, shuts your car off, keep your hands on the wheel and do not get out unless the police officer asked you to.

  1. Keep a polite attitude.

Being pulled over for a DUI is terrible if you knew you would probably be caught. So the best thing to do is to cooperate and keep a calm attitude to avoid misbehaviour in front of the law enforcement.

  1. Remember your 5th amendment rights.

5th amendment rights are your right to be silent about anything that can incriminate you in the future.

  1. Avoid being blunt.

Being frank with the police officer most likely won’t help you.

  1. Keep a calm attitude.

If you knew you know you have been alcohol intoxicated you will end up being caught. When getting arrested, stay calm, cooperate and respect the law and remember that anything you say can be used against you in the law court.

  1. Get legislative help.

Everyone deserves to fight for their rights. Find an experienced and qualified DUI defense attorney to protect you.

In conclusion, every year alcohol is responsible for thousands of deaths on our roads, whether you enjoy an occasional party or developed alcohol dependency, alcohol affects your brain, your body, thinking and your actions each time you drink. Think about the consequences, before taking an action. Drive safely.

How to Download Flash Videos with Movavi Screen Recorder

For many years most of the videos that you found online were Flash videos of some form or other. In fact not only did the majority of online streaming videos utilize Flash, but Flash animations were extremely popular at one point as well. While nowadays other standards are gradually replacing Flash, there are still a lot of Flash videos out there that you probably enjoy on a regular basis.

Because online Flash videos are generally streamed, downloading them can often be challenging – and many platforms and websites won’t provide you with a link that you can use. Rather than tying yourself in knots trying to find a way to download the video however, you could work around it instead by using Movavi Screen Recorder to capture it directly from your screen.

Movavi Screen Recorder

Movavi Screen Recorder

If you would like to use Movavi Screen Recorder to download Flash videos from websites, the first thing you should do is open up the website in question. Initially you shouldn’t play the video however, and should instead launch Movavi Screen Recorder.

As soon as you launch Movavi Screen Recorder you can set it to record the area of your screen containing the video by drawing a frame with the mouse cursor. Alternatively you could click anywhere then select one of the presets under ‘Capture Area’ and resize and reposition the frame so that it fits.

Before you start recording, check that the ‘System Audio’ icon is highlighted or click on it to highlight it if it isn’t. After that you can click ‘REC’ when you’re ready to record, and play the Flash video when you do. The on-screen controls in Movavi Screen Recorder’s interface will let you ‘Pause’ or ‘Cancel’ the recording, and when you’re done you can click ‘Stop’.

When you do stop recording, Movavi Screen Recorder will automatically save the video in MKV format. If you want to use a different format instead, you can click ‘Save As’ and select one. In the preview window that appears you can also trim out any excess footage that may have been inadvertently recorded.

Now that you know how to download Flash videos using Movavi Screen Recorder – be sure to give it a try. If you have a few minutes extra you may want to experiment with the other features and settings too, and use them to adjust the audio levels, alter the frame rate, capture keyboard and mouse actions, or automate the recording by scheduling a start and stop time.

At the end of the day there is very little that Movavi Screen Recorder can’t do and it will help you to record anything that you require from your screen – without forcing you to jump through any hoops.